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Life Update

Post terakhir di Maret 2016.

Artinya, sudah hampir 4 tahun blog ini tidak di update. 4 tahun termasuk waktu yang cukup lama. Namun, entah kenapa ketika membaca kembali tulisan Saya, rasanya seperti menulisnya kemarin.

Mungkin begitulah bagaimana perasaan kita akan waktu. Kita tidak sadar waktu sudah banyak berjalan, tiba-tiba 4 tahun telah berjalan. Apa kabar, blog?

Sedikit update kehidupan, beberapa tahun ini telah banyak cerita yang tidak terceritakan. Namun, Gue akan recap semampunya.

2016 to 2020.. Here we go.


  1. November -- Land my first job at Viventis Indonesia as Researcher.
  2. Found a love of my life.. Although I didn't mention it yet due to my prideful nature.
  1. Realized what human needs is an activity. A repeatable set of activity which support their lives.
  2. Understand that time is money. Wasted time means wasted opportunities. Wasted opportunities = less money to be made.
  3. Getting serious about having a spouse. Pledge myself to focus on that one girl I love.
  4. Enjoy life as a professional, as they say. Promoted to Associate Consultant.
  1. May 2 -- Get married with the love of my life.
  2. Made a wrong career move. I switched my position from recruiter to sales. Productivity starts going downhill as I cannot perform and didn't learn fast enough.
  3. I learned my own weakness. Something I need to overcome for years to come. I start picking up my pieces and learn how to be a lifelong learner. 
  4. I start to enjoy reading. Not reading books, but reading posts about business, entrepreneurship, productivity, and technology. I realized that learning could be done anywhere.
  5. My wife is pregnant a month after our marriage. Although it is not planned, I am grateful that God gave us this gift.
  6. I become more tech-savvy. I am always look for technologies that could help me work. I learn faster.
  1. Our first child born at 1st of Februari. It's a she!
  2. Struggling to become a father.
  3. Financially struggling. Suddenly, all expenses are going up. Quite panicked a little bit. But there's always help comes from someone who is unexpected. Alhamdulillah.
  4. Productivity is going up. Learning becomes a habit.
  5. Leaves Viventis Indonesia.
  1. My child is 1 years old! She's growing well. Her physical, social, and motor skills development is still on point.
  2. Move to Medan. Moving is (literally) so much pain in the ass. If possible, I wouldn't want to move and having as few items as possible.
  3. Started working at Yayasan Prof. Dr. H. Kadirun Yahya as Deputy CEO. Our big homework is to have a solid organizational governance. My grandfather's foundation is transitioning from 2nd generation to 3rd generation. I need to be aware as most companies are closed down in 3rd generation.
  4. Not as financially struggle as last year, but I need to learn how to manage money wisely.
I guess that's the sum of my life from 4 years ago. Looking back, it was quite a ride. I didn't think I would get here today.

However, I realized that who I am right now is the result of what I think important 4 years ago. To me, this organization is important. Having myself settling in is also something that I thought years ago. It takes 4 years to achieve it.

It means, if there is something that I think important today, it will be achieved in 4 years time. I guess, it's time to think what would my next big move be!

Having a healthy body and starting a new business seems nice.


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Welcome home, champ!

I am revisiting this old blog to give it life, once again. Ya know, being a 32 year old human, sometimes we go back to our previous hobbies. In between balancing work, family, and hobbies, I find myself creating a simple blog post is theraupetic. This is just something I want to do. However, finding time to write a simple blog post is quite a challenge. Being in early 30's always focus about work and getting those significant career achievement. But what is the substance of an achievement without a progress?  Looking back from my previous life, blogging can be a reminder of those days where you are struggling with anything that you do right now in life. For example, let's take a look at this blog post where I actually address my organization's current state of affairs . If I go back and read it again.. Oh my God, what a cringefest. However, looking at how I write things takes me back to my younger self. The innocent, happy-go-lucky, and overly positivist lad who thinks that